Illegal logging, forest land use conversion and forest fires are some of the factors that contribute to forest resource depletion, environment degradation, siltation of the surface waters and climate change. One of the major activities of Department to mitigate these problems is to strengthen forest protection and intensify efforts in law enforcement. This is also one of the banner program of President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino as per his issuance of Executive Order No. 23 in 2011.


Apprehension summaryFY2015

The graph shows the apprehended forest products from 2011-2015 of 3rd quarter. Through the intensive Information, Education  and Communication (IEC) campaign of the DENR personnel and the creation of the inter-agency Anti-illegal Logging Task Force (AILTF), illegal logging in the province have decline. 


View Agusan del Sur Illegal Logging Hotspot Map