Certificate of Stewardship is awarded to individuals or families actually occupying or tilling portions of forest lands pursuant to LOI 1260 for a period of 25 years renewable for another 25 years. It is only issued within established CBFM project with CBFMA, subject to the decision and recommendation of the PO. (DENR Administrative Order No. 96-29)

  • PO Resolution with attached Census of forest land occupants; Agreed rights and responsibilities of CS holders; Individual application for CS of prospective beneficiaries; community map of the area showing the parcels actually occupied, properly numbered and validated in the general meeting.
  • Endorsement letter by the PO head.
  • Community Based Forest Management Agreement is a production sharing agreement between the Department of Environment Natural Resources and the participating people’s organization (POs) for a period of 25 years renewable for another 25 years and shall provide tenurial security and incentives to develop, utilize and manage specific portions of forest lands. (DENR Administrative Order No. 96-29)
  • Individual or joint endorsement of the concerned legislative councils of the barangay, municipal and provincial LGUs
  • Certificate of PO’s registration
  • List of officers and members